Pan Brake Folders
Working with sheet metal isn’t easy, and it isn’t made easier by gear that isn’t up to the task. When it comes to getting your hands on the sheet metal fabrication equipment that you need to produce work to a consistently high standard, Asset Plant & Machinery is the team to look to.
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We can help you develop the range and capabilities you need to get the job done. Whether it’s a pan brake folder, a CNC press brake, or a sheet metal guillotine – we’re the supplier that can help you understand what you need from your equipment, and how to find the solutions that will make it possible.
What is a Panbrake Folder?
A brake is just another name for a metalworking machine. Pan Brake Folders are machines that allow the user to create accurate linear bends in thin sheet metal. They are typically manually operated, but at Asset Plant & Machinery, we sell pan brake folders that take things a step further.
Pan brake folding solutions like the NC1 – Single Axis Programmable from Steel Master enable you to enter precise bending angles, and cut down on time lost to manual efforts and inconsistency. The NC2 – Two Axis Programmable even allows you to program accurate folding and back gauge positioning along two axes. This can be done in an ‘enter angle and fold’ mode, or an extended sequence of folding and back gauge operations.
Choosing the Correct Panbrake Folders
Buying a pan brake folder isn’t a simple task. There are a range of variables to consider that are governed not only but what you need from your machinery now, but what you anticipate you’ll need in the future.
Although many will do the job you want, getting an unsuitable pan brake can be a costly mistake. It may work less efficiently, fail to do the job as well as you’d like or simply be incapable of carrying out your needs. It pays, therefore, to be fully aware of what you need and choose equipment that can do it effectively.
At Asset Plant & Machinery, we try to make dealing with the choices you have available to you manageable. We do this by helping you understand what you need from your sheet metal fabrication equipment, and choose from the range of sizes, capacities and features that are out there on the market.
Points to Consider When Buying a Pan Brake Folder for Sale
You need a pan brake to bend sheet metal and to do it accurately and efficiently. The one that’s best for you will depend on a number of factors that will determine the machine’s suitability.
- Angle of bend needed. In some cases, the practical limit is 120-130 degrees although some can handle up to 180 degrees if you need to bend metal fully back on itself.
- Accuracy required. The build quality and rigidity of the machine will help to minimise movement and ensure there is little or no deformation of the metal being bent. Additionally, a strong clamp will hold the material firmly in place and prevent movement.
- Size of material. Different models can handle varying widths and lengths of material.
- Thickness and type of material. Machines will typically handle mild steel up to a thickness of 4 millimetres maximum, stainless steel up to 2 millimetres and aluminium up to 6 millimetres, so it’s essential you know what you will be working with.
- Ease of use. The clamp and other parts of the brake can be controlled by a control panel, touch screen, foot pedal or a combination so see what’s most convenient for you. Also, check how easy it is to adjust the clamp and to generally set up the machine.
- If you have long production runs where you’re folding several pieces in the same way, ensure the machine can handle this. A pan brake that’s fully automated and very configurable with fast processing speed will help.
- You need a machine that you can rely on so look for a well-known name, good build quality and proven durability.
- Every pan brake for sale in Australia won’t be able to handle complex bends in varying materials of different shapes and sizes. Know what you need to do and ensure any chosen machine has the necessary capability.
Getting the Best from the Best
The most reliable way of obtaining a suitable pan brake for sale is to buy from an experienced, knowledgeable and professional supplier. Here at Asset Plant and Machinery, we specialise in supplying machinery to the metalworking industry. We have a large range of equipment from the most reputable manufacturers and are sure to have something to meet your needs.
Our products include:
- Exhaust benders
- Engineering lathes
- Sheetmetal machinery
- Bar bending machines
- Lathes
- Workshop machinery
- And much more…
We have machinery in stock for quick delivery and everything we supply benefits from a comprehensive warranty and as much technical support as you need. We supply equipment with a range of features at costs to meet every budget. And we back that up with on-going service and readily available spare parts so your pan brake will give you years of valuable service.